Learning Area Purpose
The Languages, Literacy and Communication AoLE prepares pupils for a future where the ability to communicate clearly and effectively through spoken and written language is of paramount importance. Furthermore, providing pupils with opportunities to experience language in a variety of forms, including a range of literary texts, helps promote skills crucial for later life, such as creativity, critical thinking and empathy.
We show pupils that languages connect us with people, places and communities, while challenging them to consider their futures as citizens of a bilingual Wales in a multilingual United Kingdom and world.
Moreover, the Languages, Literacy and Communication AoLE celebrates pupils’ sense of cynefin through learning the Welsh language, experiencing various aspects of Welsh culture and reading literature connected to Wales, in both English and Welsh. This fosters pride in pupils’ sense of identity and belonging to Wales.
The Languages, Literacy and Communication AoLE curriculum will develop:
Ambitious, capable learners, by:
introducing them to an international language and developing their knowledge of Spanish vocabulary and grammar so that, for example, they can describe themselves and their families in their second term of study;
nurturing in them the enjoyment of studying challenging literary English language texts, such as ‘Romeo and Juliet’;
enabling pupils to communicate effectively in the written form of Welsh language: for example, writing a healthy living blog in year 9.
Enterprising, creative contributors, by:
supporting pupils in taking risks in individual, paired and whole class oracy work in English, Welsh and Spanish;
enabling learners to take on and adapt to different roles in group discussion and presentation tasks in iCommunicate English;
expressing ideas and opinions through different media: for example, creating a TV programme in the Welsh language.
Ethical informed citizens, by:
promoting better local, national and global understanding through the study of a wide range of literary and non-fiction texts with connections to Swansea, Wales and other cultures from around the world;
enhancing pupils’ knowledge of various aspects of Welsh culture: for example, the Welsh national anthem, Welsh language music, the Eisteddfod
Healthy confident individuals, by:
building resilience and overcoming challenges by enabling pupils to produce increasingly detailed spoken and written responses in English, Welsh and Spanish;
using a variety of texts that expose pupils to a range of other people’s viewpoints, helping them develop empathy and acceptance of others: for example, the novel ‘Trash’ in iCommunicate English.